"Mai's Big Shadow Duel " Most Yu-gi-oh fans know of Mai Valentines duel against Marik Ishtar in the Battle City Finals. That she could not control The Winged Dragon of Ra and that she was defeated by it.However what most people don't know is that many diffrent ideas on what would happen to Mai were hatched during production. They eventually settled on her memory-loss but lets look at another idea some crazy writer made up for the show.
" Attention! The next duel of the Battle City Finals will be between Marik Ishtar and Mai Valentine."The annoucer yelled. " Great, I'm glad I get to be the one to knock that freak Marik out of the finals." Mai said to herself. As she was leaving her room on the blimp she looked at herself in the mirror. " Hey beautiful, you look gorgeous." she said admiring herself. She could'nt get over how pretty she was. " Alright back to buisness." She walked out of her room, walking tall and alone like she always had. She got to the Arena atop the blimp. Marik was already there with that menacing grin he so loved to wear. " Duelists, shuffle your deck and take ypur places this duel is about to begin." another annoucer shouted. After a minute or so both duelists were ready and the duel began. Mai made her move first." I summon my Harpie Lady in attack-mode and play a card face-down." Just like that done, now to Marik. " Mai, how about we make this game a bit more interesting hmm." Suddenly a black fog covered the entire blimp. Marik had just turned this into a shadow game. " Mai you had better watch your girlish figure, just watch what happens as your life points go down." Mai was puzzled "what could he mean by that, what has he done!" " I play Drillago, now Drillago attack!" Mai's harpie was destroyed and she lost a chunk of her life points. Mai suddenly felt a very warm sensation. " What's going on" she looked at herself and it looked as if she had just gained 50 lbs. Her thighs, butt, boobs, and belly had all grown a good bit. " Marik what the hell is this, this can't be real!" " Oh but it is my dear, and for every life points you lose you'll get fatter and fatter and by the time you hit zero you'll look like a second blimp." Mai was about to panic. She tried to keep a level head but she still couldn't believe that this was happening. Mai and Marik kept swapping blows for a few turns. Mai had lost a whole 1000 life points since the duel had started and she now weighed just above 300 lbs." God look at how fat I am, if I stay like this after the duel end's I don't know what i'll do." She now had a double chin, rolls of fat on her sides, huge boobs that were just starting to sag, a belly that sagged down near her croch, and a massive ass.
More turns passed and she was now starting to get the upperhand, still though she had lost another 800 life points. with almost half of her life points gone she now weighed 440 lbs." I'm so fat! I'm a round ball. If i keep losing life points I'm gonna be too fat to walk in just a few turns.now Mai had three, almost four chins. absolutely huge but now sagging boobs. Her thighs were each as big as her waist was at the beggining of the duel. Her arms were like pillows filled with pudding and her ass was like a book shelf that stuck out atleast 6 inches behind her.She was so wide she might not be able to walk normally through doors.
The duel continued. Marik was down to 1000 life points( though uneffected by the game.) Mai had 1400 Life points, which meant another 800 down the drain.
She weighed in at a collosal 580 lbs. " How can I get any fatter than this, and with 1400 still left! If I lose this duel I'm gonna be huge! I already almost can't stand. I'm a huge fat ass!" Mai finally got that fourth chin. Her legs were inseperable and incredibly huge. Her belly now sagged down almost to her knees.She was so wide that she really was almost round enough to roll around. She had massive rolls everywhere, the larger ones looked like tires. Her huge ass stuck out almost an entire foot behind her and her arms were huge overstuffed pillows full of fat. She drew a card. " Tremendous Fire! With this card I can win this duel right now, but it will make me fatter too, and what if this really is permenant, I'm gonna have to risk it!" She played the card and Marik was defeated. She gained another 70 lbs. putting her at 650 lbs. As it turned out it was permenant She was removed from the blimp and taken home, where she lived out the rest of her days as a beautiful fat queen.She simply decided to take her weight as it was and live happily. She was a fat, pampered queen constantly being fed and loved by her servants.