"Persona 4 Weight Gain" Chie Satonaka is an athletic girl with a large appetite. Yukiko Amagi is a beautiful girl who loves cooking. Rise Kujikawa is a popstar with issues against her occupation. Naoto Shirogane is a cop who just so happens to have a soft side. Well, soon they all will. I start you off in the home of Chie Satonaka, the athlete. She comes home from school and decides to check out her computer to see what's up. On the screen she sees an ad for a supplement that makes you gain muscle faster and Chie could not pass up on the offer. She sends out for the order and goes to sleep. Later that day, Chie's package comes in and she delightfully picks it up. She takes it home and looks at the labeling. Take one pill per day. Take with water. Don't eat 10 minutes after taking the pill. Chie:"Why not just say starve!?" She takes a pill and waits for something and then a rumbling in her stomach occurs. She wants to obey the rule about no eating and tries really hard. After 4 minutes however she breaks down and runs into the kitchen to get something to eat. She grabs everything in the fridge and chows down. Her waistline expanding, fat pouring through, body getting soft, it was an episode of chews, moans, and gulps. Chie looked at her bloated form and liked it so much! She rubbed her belly, which was surprisingly soft. It also hanged over her waistline and onto her plump legs. Her clothes were feeling really tight and it turns out that even though the clothes were tight her love of fatness grew. Her cherubic face and secondary chin made food better tasting as they massaged the food. Chie waddled out of the house and into her yard. Then, she noticed she got a bit bigger. Her whole body just plumped up a bit and her clothes just got really tight. Chie ran back inside and noticed that her body had shrunk back to being chubby. This was strange and she didn't mind. Chie just went into her room and went to sleep. As she slept her body grew and grew. Soon her clothes were ripping apart, her belly becoming mammoth in size, her breasts getting bigger and filled with milk, her legs getting thicker, her ass getting rounder. Her body was so big that her futon even broke. When Chie woke up she saw her body. A mass of jiggling flesh that moved in waves. All that she saw was a gut, breasts, and ripped clothes. She gasped at the sight and then realized that it wasn't so bad. Her body was warm, she didn't have to worry about her weight, and she didn't have to worry about her athleticism. Chie screeched in glee and rolled out of bed and rewarded herself with a light snack. ////////////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//////////////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ I will now bring out Yukiko Amagi, the beauty. Yukiko dreamed of a recipe that would make everyone want more but sadly she hasn't found a great one. Until one day, in the shadow world, where she found a book on a boss shadow that turns out to be a chef. This cookbook had all types of recipes that Yukiko wanted to try. She tried making the chef's blueberry pie first. This pie was the first in the book so why not. Yukiko baked the pie for 10 minutes and the fumes made her mouth water, and belly grow. She took out the pie and waited for it to cool. When it was ready she sliced off a piece and ate it. It was the most delicious, and fattening, piece of pie she ever had.So delicious that she ate the rest of the pie and rubbed her blue belly. Blue belly? She looked down at her bloated stomach and saw that it was blue, her whole body was. She then felt a liquid pressure in her stomach. Soon she bloated up until she had a blueberry belly. She stood there, amazed, and just rubbed her belly. Her belly was the only thing that grew and it was just filled with blueberry juice. She just poked at it and watched the ripples. Still in awe, she shook her belly and vomited up the blueberry juice. She shrunk by a lot and was now a pudgy girl. She gripped her pudge and looked up. She saw that she vomited up another Yukiko! She took a closer look and saw that this one was chubby too! Then, out of nowhere, the "clone" shoved another pie in her mouth. She tried to fight it but it was so good. She bloated up again and this time the clone just shook her belly and Yukiko vomited again. This time Yukiko puked up 2 clones which held her down and force-fed her pies. She just kept growing and puking up clones. The Kaminoans would be proud. lol //////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\/////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\ Now I bring you Rise Kujikawa, the popstar. She had another shoot today and it was exhausting. She went into the green room and picked up a magazine. She flipped to an article stating that men loved fat women and the men were called FAs. She couldn't believe this until she had a thought, if Souji a.k.a. you, was one of these FAs then if she got fat then Souji wold love her. She ran up to her publicist and her publicist agreed. She squeled and went into her dressing room to celebrate. She picked up all types of food on her travels and decided that this time she would get something special, sirloin steak. She got the biggest steak that she could get and chowed down. At first she got full until her secondwind kicked in and she pushed onward. Her belly was getting bigger and bigger. Her legs thicker, ass rounder, breasts perkier, face more cherubic. When she finished her body was large. She giggled and rubbed her belly finding out how nice it was. Her stomach yearning for food she called her assistant over to get her more food. She came back with a cart full of fattening cakes, creams, and fried foods. As she munched down she asked her assistant to stay in case she couldn't reach the food. Her belly grew and so did the rest of her. Now that she looked like she ate a leopard seal she told her assistant to start feeding her. The assistant just crammed anything she could find edible. Rise:"Get me something to *burp* drink!" The assistant got a drum of Pepsi and put a hose in Rise's mouth. Then she pumped the delicious drink down her throat and her belly expanded even further. Her belly was now the a wall of fat, pouring over her lap and legs and her breasts followed with milk-filled happiness. Her face had 2-3 chins and was covered in icing. Rise couldn't be happier that she was fat. She ordered the assistant to rub her belly so she can digest and she hummed one of her songs as she fell asleep. ///////////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\////////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\///////////// Lastly, I have Naoto Shirogane, the cop. It was a normal day for her, just wander around and get clues on whose who. Until she had a craving, a weird Zombie-like craving. She went to Chie's to see how she was. Chie just sat there, eating chips and she waved to Naoto. Naoto noticed Chie was plumper and it obviously showed with her gut that made her look pregnant. Chie:"How about you come over here Naoto? Rise and Yukiko are in the kitchen eating some food." Naoto just walked over to Chie, sat next to her, and rubbed her belly. Chie moaned and loved this feeling. Naoto slowly put her hand over Chie's mouth and knocked her out. She then started eating Chie's body like a snake would. First her head, then breasts, the belly, then legs, then feet. Now that Chie was gone and Naoto had a large lump in her belly, it was time to get the other two. Rise walked out of the kitchen, bowl of icing in one hand and spatula with icing on it on the other. Rise was way chunkier than Chie, her belly hanging over her lap making her bow-legged. Rise:"Hey Naoto! I guess you are doing the same thing we are huh? Naoto:"Yeah, well how about you come over here real quick?" Rise walked over to Naoto, licked the rest of the bowl and spatula off, put the bowl down, and while she was putting the bowl down Naoto put her mouth around her head causing Rise to scream. Sadly, her scream was muffled by Naoto's throat. As Rise made the plunge into Naoto, she saw Chie lying down in her belly. She screamed even louder but she breathed in the stomach fumes and passed out. Now Naoto had a behemoth belly, Rise and Chie making her look like a fat pig. She then wandered into the kitchen where she found Yukiko, the skinniest but still fat out of the 3. Yukiko was only slightly plump, her pudge just sticking out of her red tanktop. Yukiko:"Hey Naoto! I was just baking a cake and Rise ran off with the icing, can you get some?" Naoto nodded and went to the cupboard. She found the icing and went to Yukiko. She took the icing and squirted it in her mouth. Yukiko's belly expanding faster and faster. She loved every minute of it. While she was feasting, Naoto grabbed her and put her on the countertop. She then proceeded to eating her legs first. Every second of it was orgasmic. Yukiko, ignoring her predicament, kept eating. Then, Naoto had to deal with the bloated stomach of Yukiko. She shoved her down and soon they met face to face. Yukiko just glared at her as Naoto took one last gulp and swallowed her former compatriot. As she kneeled there, rubbing her full tummy, she had a thought. If she can do this to her friends, then she can do this to anyone. So she got up and walked through the door with her friends in her hands, sorta. 8P