"Pokemon Revenge"
By Superweightanzu

It was a strange week at the Pokemon Center in Cerulean City. Ash, May, Nurse Joy, Brock, Misty, James, and Jessie were all sitting down to a lunch at different tables in the Pokemon Center. Ash, Misty, May, Max, Brock and Nurse Joy were engrossed inconversation at their table, completely unaware that Pikachu, Torchic, Togepi, and Chansey were heading off to a closet, plotting with Meowth of Team Rocket, to make a plan of their own.

Jessie and James had decided to take a week or two off from catching Pikachu, to enjoy themselves in the comfort of Cerulean City. They had made a peace treaty with Ash and co. that they wouldn't capture Pikachu while both groups were on vacation.

Brock, Max, Ash, and James were going on to see the Sensational Sisters and go Pokemon battling. As for the ladies, they were going shopping, to the spa, swimming and relaxing at Misty's private household.
As the final plans for the guys and girls were made, Nurse Joy hired someone to cover for her; everyone went to sleep in the lounge area.

Fifteen minutes later:

Everyone was asleep except for those naughty little pokemon. They finally found the right closet and all sat down on little stools around a box.

The conversation has beentranslated to English for human understanding:

"Ok, I propose we get Jessie, for all those times she ordered Meowth around," stated Pikachu.

"I agree with Pikachu, Jessie's bossed me around for so long, its payback time," declared Meowth.

"I agree with Pikachu, but what about May, she really likes that stupid butterfly Pokemon more then me, I want revenge on her too," grumbled Torchic.

"While we're plotting revenge on our partners in crime, or trainers, lets get Misty too, because she thinks I can't handle myself and that I'm far too precious," said Togepi.

"Ooh, ooh, Nurse Joy too, I never get to have any fun, I'm always taking care of sick Pokemon," said Chansey.

"All right pipe down, so we got our targets, now how do we get revenge?" asked Meowth.

"That's easy, we fatten them up so much, they'll be on the verge of exploding," said Pikachu. "Well, maybe not explosion sized, but still, extremely fat."

There was soon an agreement on the plans. Since they had two weeks to fatten up the ladies, they would hit May first, since she would be the hardest. Then they would split into groups and fatten up all three at once. They called Mr. Mime and Delia up, who would make and send food all the time. Then send the food to Misty's house, through Abra Teleport Mail.

They would do the basic Super-Ultra Weight Gain Powder in milk trick to get May started. Once over that bump it would be easy streak from there on.

They had to create another plan so that Ash and co. wouldn't wake up May.

They went with Torchic's idea of waking May up in the middle of the night, setting down a glass of water for her to drink with sleeping pills inside them. Then, carefully placing her in some far out of the way room for a few hours until Ash and co. left. Then forge a letter telling her that Ash and co. left and where she should meet up withthem. They'd also forge a letter earlier on saying that May had gone off to explore the city and that she would have breakfast at a cafe.

They soon had two incredibly well forged letters and placed them in the right spots. After that they started their plan to put the sleeping pills in the glass of water. Finally they'd called Mr. Mime who was baking non-stop breakfast foods as soon as the call ended. Everything was falling into place accordingly.

Finally they began their revenge plan at 1:25 a.m.

As according to plan, May woke up for no reason and got out of her sleeping bag. Then she got of bed, found the glass of water and drained all of it in two gulps. She walked back to her sleeping bag and was out like a light in no time flat.

The Pokemon then carefully lifted her and her stuff and sleeping bag, into a remote room near the dining hall. Then they laid the notes down and headed to sleep.

The next Morning:

May woke up after being pecked by Torchic a few times. She instantly was faced with the note. After reading it over twice she finally caught a whiff of something from the dining hall.

She walked to the dining hall only to find two whole tables crammed with every breakfast food she could ever dream of. She read a third forged note from the "Ash and co." saying she can eat all she wants.
Her stomach grumbles and she heads for the 10 stack of pancakes next to a tall glass of milk. Soon she's stuffing her face with pancakes and gulping all the milk down. Completely unaware that milk was full of Super-Ultra Weight Gain Powder; she dives straight for a plate of donuts, wolfing them down two at a time. Next the bacon, the toast, etc. After having finished the meal, the Pokemon all come and start rubbing her stomach. She's out like a light in two minutes flat. Their wicked grins allbeing forced back until she's asleep. Then with a lot of strain they lie herdown in a booth while they prepare the lunch course.
May yet again wakes up and this finds herself surrounded by delicious foods. She starts wolfing them all down and drinks another glass of milk that contains Super-Ultra Weight Gain Powder. And yet again the Pokemon all come out and rub her stomach until she falls asleep.

(This conversation has beentranslated from Pokemon to English)

"Our plans for May are a successshe doesn't even notice her weight gain yet," said Torchic excitedly.

"Very true and at this rate we can do Jessie and Misty too," stated Meowth.

"And don't forget Nurse Joy, she has connection with the authorities so we've got to do her soon," said Chansey.

"Why don't we get Nurse Joy next, she'll be easy because she lives at the Pokemon Center," said Togepi.

They all agreed on their next victim. Torchic, Pikachu and Togepi would stay fatten up May, while Meowth and Chansey fattened up Nurse Joy.

Two hours later.

May woke up to dinner and yet again wolfed it all down in no time flat. She finally got a glimpse of her now massive stomach She was mentally screaming 'What happened to me, my stomach's HUGE! My ass is big, my thighs are huge and whoa! I've got breasts. Although, ¦NO! I can't let myself get fat.'

No matter what happened now, May was under the Pokemons' spell. They, as usual, snuck up and rubbed her stomach, she fell asleep in no time and it was time for funnel. They wrenched open May's mouth and started to pour down the seventeen gallons of milkshakes they had prepared.

May soon looked like this: Her stomach was touching slightly below her knees. Her ass was humongous. She also had thunder thighs. Her once non-existent breasts were now the size of basketballs and she weighed around 350 pounds.

Meanwhile the plan to fatten Nurse Joy had begun.

Chansey had put some Super-Ultra Mega Weight Gain Powder in a milkshake so Nurse Joy would be really big. Soon Joy too was devouring her dinner and eating 6 full booths of food. Meowth instantly popped out from behind a bed and started rubbing Nurse Joy's stomach. She fell down with a loud thud on her bed. Completely unaware of cold surprise awaiting her stomach.

Now that Joy was asleep on her bed, the Pokemon grabbed 23 gallons of slightly melted ice cream and poured it down into her mouth. Joy's stomach soon popped from underneath her skirt. Her clothes were being strained a little near her breast area, due to the fact that her breasts had grown at least a full size by then. Her ass was slightly larger and her thighs were about the same size. The Pokemon removed Joy's hat put her down in bed.

Joy slept like a rock for a few hours until about two in the morning when she woke up and decided to have a snack. She banged on a white tile next to her bed and out popped a huge drawer of snacks from carrots to cookies. She quickly ate a pack of carrots and decided she wasn't full enough. She then went to eat three bags of Lays potato chips, 2 bags of cookies and 10 boxes of crackers.

Then she almost instantly fell asleep again. The Pokemon then quietly snuck up opened the drawer and filled it with enhanced fattening chips, cookies, brownies and crackers.

In the morning:

Joy woke up at 6:27 as always and found it hard to rise up. She took her first glance down and was shocked at her "new body." Nurse Joy, being the smart woman that she was, realized that it must have been all of that food she had recently eaten. All she would have to do was go on a diet. Also, punish Chansey for her naughty little prank.

But first she decided to have a 'light' breakfast. She noticed how there was a smell coming from the largest conference room in the Pokemon Center. She went in only to find the table filled with delicious foods like May's breakfast the other day. Joy starts munching on one or two of the delicious donuts and is soon demolishing the table.

About half an hour later Joy has eaten the contents of the table and realizes that she ate all the food. She then slowly turns her slightly chubby head down towards her body and is met with a rather large surprise.

Her once small round little breasts were now the size of basketballs. Her thighs were slightly larger then last time. Her legs were a little rounder. Her arms had expanded to the width of nerf basketballs. Her stomach where most of the fat had gone was now comfortably covering her knees. Her butt was like two kickballs.

Her apron had snapped off, there was a great strain at the top of Joy's shirt where her new larger breasts were. Her stomach now hid her skirt and her pink underwear was visible.

Meanwhile in the dining hall..

May was devouring 13 booths worth of food. Her trainer pouch had ripped off, her clothes were either straining or torn, and she had taken off her shoes already.

May's description: her breasts were now the size of beachballs. Her legs were the size of large round firewood pieces. Her arms were large with fat about the size of very large nerf basketballs. Her butt was nowthe size of two large beach balls. Her stomach was now so big it was covering her legs, and was now covering a good chunk of the floor. (It was like Mistystuffer's picture of Anzu Huge, just a little bigger.)

May decided to go around the Pokemon Center for a place to hide her new larger self. She ended up walking into the very same room that Joy had recently eaten breakfast in. She was staring wide eyed at Joy who was sitting in a chair.

When Joy heard someone walked in she turned around and stared wide-eyed in awe of May's new body. They both looked at each other and then started a conversation.

"What happened to you, Joy?"

"What the hell happened to you, May?! You're like twice my size."

"I found a couple of really delicious meals set up for me in the dining hall yesterday and this morning. I will lose this weight, just wait and see," said May.

"Yeah about those meals, I think it's the Pokemon playing a little joke or trick on us. I think we should lock up the Pokemon in their Pokeballs until the vacation's over," stated Joy. "Look at me, I've gained at least 25 lbs.!!" said Joy.

They bothlooked at each other's bodies and then at the phone to call the front desk.

"Isn't there some machine that can suck the fat out people?" asked Joy.

"YEAH!!There is a machine that can do it," squealed May happily.

They both wobbled over to the phone and called the front desk. The man answered quickly and said he would send someone to get the machine right away.

Five hours later:

May and Joy had fallen asleep and awoke to the sweet scents of a late lunch. There were turkey sandwiches, chicken steak, cheese, rice balls, etc. They both looked at each other and then decided 'What the heck, lets eat'. That machine will remove that fat out of in no time at all.

They soon were devouring plate after plate of food, completely unaware that all the pokemon were taking the empty dishes and filling it with more food. They were slowly getting larger and more addicted to the virtually endless supply of food.

Finally the Pokemon were tired of sending food up onto the table and decided to just let the ladies finish.

The ladies finally finish eating and decided to relax. They turned towards a mirror and would've screamed had they not known that the machine would arrive shortly.

May's butt was now the size of two beach balls. Her face was like a balloon. Her arms were like logs and so were her legs. Her once beachball sized breasts were now the size of those gigantic yoga balls. Finally her once gigantic stomach now had engulfed her legs feet and all, now the size of alarge mini van. Her clothes had almost completely torn off only her large underwear, which was very stretched and starting to tear and her bra, which had snapped and was covering only the front of her breasts. May summoned Beautifly to find her and Joy some new larger clothes until the machine arrived.

Joy had a butt the size of two basketballs. Her face was very chubby, but not as big as May's. She had a large layer of fat on her arms and legs. Her once basketball sized breasts were now beach ball sized. Her stomach was now touching the floor and stuck from her large body a good 3 feet. Her clothes had ripped. Her pink shirt was ripped similar to May's clothes.


The two ladies devoured dish after dish after dish. Abra were popping up and disappearing with all of the food imaginable. The ladies were too busy eating to even care. The ladies' stomachs were soon sticking out a good 7 feet for Joy, 11 for May. (Please ignore the fact that the numbers happen to be seven-eleven). They both had butts the size of beachballs or larger. They both large had log like legs and arms. They both had balloon-sized heads.May had breasts the size of 3 Yoga balls instead of her last 2. Joy had 2-sized yoga ball breasts and neither could move very far.

Meanwhile at Misty's house...

To be continued.

Authors Note: I know this is short and that it's alittle wordy, but I hope the next section will be less confusing. I'll make the next one longer with more detail about the WG. I do apologize to anyone whose idea I've borrowed or stolen with out permission.