"Pein's Cake"
a Naruto fanfic by Roxius

“Hey, Konan, I baked you a cake for your birthday!”

When Pein said this with a big smile etched on his face, Konan was pretty sure that someone was playing a joke on her. Not only had her birthday passed three months ago, but Pein was not the kind of guy who would suddenly just go and bake a cake for no reason. “Don’t you want it, Konan?” Pein asked, that big creepy grin still stuck on his face.

Eventually, Konan decided to give in and followed Pein into the kitchen. Lying on the middle of the dining table over a large china plate was the biggest cake Konan had ever seen. It looked like it was about five layers, covered in rich creamy dark fudge. “You…you made THIS?” Konan spat in disbelief. Pein nodded and replied, “Yup! And it’s all for you! Every…single…bit!”

Konan’s eyes widened in shock when Pein said this. “You can’t be serious! All of this cake…by myself?” she cried nervously. Pein nodded again and ushered her over to the table. Sitting her down and placing a fork, a large cutting knife and a plate before her, Pein patted Konan on the head and happily exclaimed, “I made this for you, so it would be mean to make all the work I did go to waste! I have some work to do, but when I get back, I want to see that whole cake gone…’kay?”

Before Konan could say anything else, Pein had run out of the room. Sighing, Konan picked up the kitchen knife and carved into the cake. ‘I can’t believe I’m doing this…oh well…we ninjas burn off thousands of calories like crazy!’ The moment Konan took a bite of the cake, her entire perspective to the ordeal changed. She had never tasted anything so good in her whole life. She barely wasted any time taking several more slices before digging in.

‘Oh my god! This is delicious! I just have to have MORE!’ Konan mentally screamed as she stuffed more and more cake into her mouth, her cheeks bulging with soft creamy chocolate. As she continued to eat and eat and eat, she could feel her pants and shirt from beneath her Akatsuki robe begin to tighten. Yet, all she wanted was more of the cake down in her belly. She just couldn’t get enough of it.

Tossing her kitchen knife aside, Konan grabbed the cake with her hands and stuffed her face into it. It was really quite a big mess, especially since Pein had put triple the amount of fudge in there than he should have. Konan let out a loud moan of pleasure as calorie-heavy chocolate practically sunk into her veins, causing her entire body to puff up a bit.

Licking her lips, Konan saw that there was still more than half of the cake left! ‘I can’t really eat ALL of this!’ she thought nervously, her belly now pushing hard against the confines of her robe. However, although she hated to admit it, Konan still felt incredibly hungry. “Oh, well! It would be a waste to not finish off all of it!” she exclaimed, coming up with a good excuse to keep eating, before digging in with as much vigor as before…

Konan let out a belch and laid back in her seat as she finally finished off the last of the chocolate cake. Unbuckling the pants beneath her Akatsuki robe, a large bloated potbelly rolled out and rested heavily on her now-chunky thighs. Konan belched yet again as Pein walked into the room, pleased with the results of his work. Rubbing her swollen abdomen gently with her chubby fingers, she groaned, “Okay, tell me again, Pein…WHY did you have me eat that whole freakin’ cake? Ugh…I feel like I’m gonna blow…”

Leaning close to his bloated teammate’s chocolate-covered face, Pein smirked and said, “You know, I didn’t really expect my little plan to work…I guess I was wrong…” Chuckling to himself, Pein smirked and headed over to the stove. With a quick flick of the wrist, the stove came to life with a flash of fire.

“W-What plan…? What are you * BURP * talking about?” Konan cried, desperately trying to push herself up. Unfortunately, her belly was too big and heavy for her to move. As Konan continued to struggle with her enlarged gut, Pein began tossing a large assortment of meats and things onto the stove, whistling as he worked. “I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU TRICKED ME, YOU - * BURP *!!!” screamed the blue-haired woman, but her psychotic male partner just continued to cook.

“I had been planning on making you fat for a rather long time, my dear…” Pein replied in a calm and dark tone. Konan couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “W-WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU WANT THAT?” Konan asked, her belly groaning in pain. “I’ve always had a thing for fat girls, I guess…” replied Pein as he marinated several T-bone steaks at once. Konan closed her eyes and let out another belch, unable to say anything.

Once the rumbling and moaning of her belly finally subdued, Konan opened her eyes and snarled, “Pein, you are such a freakin’ idiot! Do you know what’s going to happen to you when Madara finds out you made me…FAT?” Instead of looking worried, Pein smirked and replied, “Oh…so you decided to become fat, then? I mean, it’s really your choice…” Blushing, Konan looked down at her bloated stomach, which raised up and down with every labored breath.

Looking up at Pein again, Konan nervously asked, “Do you…actually like me like this…?” Pein nodded as he placed a well-cooked steak onto a plate. “And…you want me to get…bigger…?” she asked, her entire body shaking a bit. Nodding again, Pein placed the steak down in front of Konan, steam rising up from the top of it. Gulping, Konan slowly grabbed the fork nearby and lifted it over the steak as the intoxicating aroma filled her nostrils. Pein, however, just watched quietly, waiting to see what will happen next.

Suddenly, a smirk formed on Konan’s lips. Stabbing the fork ferociously into the steak, she turned to Pein and replied, “Fine. I’ll get fat…but only for you, understand?”

At this, Pein couldn’t help but smile as well…

A few weeks after starting her weight gain, Konan had become huge. She had a huge round, jiggly belly that hung well over her waist. It was so big and soft that it swayed with every struggled step she made. She had two huge bloated breasts that bounced around like mad with even the slightest breath. They were so big that Konan needed her own custom-made bras just to barely hold them in.

Her thighs had gotten pretty big, too. She now had a nice big chunky pair of thunder thighs that fit nicely under her Akatsuki robes. Her face had also filled out, giving her three big flabby chins and nice puffy red cheeks. Konan’s ass had now gone from small and tight to being two huge globes of soft fat. Of course, Pein loved every single of inch of her fat body.

Of course, Konan was too fat now to be able to go on missions, which didn’t go so well with Madara. However, after a long talk with Pein and nearly being crushed by the 500-pound Akatsuki woman, Madara decided to let the two lovebirds have their way. And that was exactly how they wanted it…